Run the CAP Money Course

Your church can help people spend, budget & save wisely in tough times

The CAP Money course gives your church a relevant, effective tool to reach and serve people in your wider community.

Already, over 19,000 New Zealanders have learned to budget, save and prevent debt through CAP Money – but with 648,000 households still in difficulty, the need for wise money management is greater than ever.

CAP Money woman smiling in mall

How it works

CAP Money helps to prevent poverty & hardship with a top-of-the-cliff approach.

Your church’s CAP Money Coach will be equipped to encourage, help and support course participants in a friendly group setting.

In the space of three 90-minute sessions, participants will identify how they currently spend their money and will be coached to prioritise the things that are important to them and their families. Participants will learn to live well within their means, while managing or preventing debt, and saving for the future.

CAP Money is relevant for everyone; whether they’re facing a reduced income, a job loss, are self-employed, or simply after a tune-up for their finances.

The course may be run as often as you like and is complementary to your existing church ministries. CAP Money Coaches will also be equipped to run CAP Money Youth – a one hour, practical introduction to money management for 14–18 year olds.

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“I have been blessed to see the difference this has made in our participants’ lives, being encouraged that what we are doing as coaches is helping someone to get their lives on track financially.”

 Ann Walker, CAP Money Coach

CAP Money explained

Explore how CAP Money makes budgeting, saving and spending easy.

How CAP equips your church

CAP Money Coach training
CAP trains a coach (or a few coaches) from your church during a one-day regional or online training session, so they’re equipped to run both the CAP Money course and CAP Money Youth course.

Course content
CAP provides all the material you need to run your CAP Money and CAP Money Youth courses, including a Coach’s guide, participant workbooks and videos to play at each session.

Access to online tools
Each participant receives access to online budgeting tools. And your CAP Money Coach will receive online course administration and promotion tools.

Ongoing help, support and advice
Your CAP Money Coach will be supported by the CAP Money team, and they'll have the opportunity to connect with other CAP Money Coaches from around New Zealand as you run your course.

Find out more about how CAP Money works.

What your church provides

CAP Money Coach
CAP Money can be run by one facilitator or a team of facilitators who have completed the CAP Money Coach training.

What makes an ideal facilitator? Someone who has a heart for people and the desire to equip themto use money in a life-giving way.

Room to meet in and place to play video
While many people run their CAP Money course at a room in their local church, the small-group format and video-based content make it a perfect tool to be taught within small groups or local community centres.

CAP Money Coach trainings

CAP Money Coach training is offered online via Zoom. It’s a great way to equip your future coach(es) with everything they need to run the course.

When is the next training session in 2025?

  • May 19th, 21st and 22nd
    (3x 1.5 hour sessions. 7pm – 8:30pm each evening).

Register for the training here

To find out about future training courses, please contact us on 0508 422 769 or email